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Qurbani 1436 – 2015

Devi eseguire il sacrificio (Qurbani) dell’`Id al-Adha (la Festa del Sacrificio nel mese di Dhu-l-Hijjah) ma non sai dove trovare un animale da sacrificare in Italia o non sai come procedere?

Vuoi aiutare i tuoi fratelli e sorelle che hanno davvero bisogno?

Ummah Welfare Trust dà la possibilità di eseguire il proprio sacrifico dell’`Id in paesi in cui i nostri fratelli e sorelle vivono in condizioni davvero difficili, e per i quali la carne dell’animale sacrificato davvero sfamerebbe intere famiglie.

A questo link troverete informazioni su come effettuare la vostra donazione in modo da eseguire il vostro obbligo/Sunnah del sacrificio dell’`Id al-Adha ed al tempo stesso aiutare dei fratelli bisognosi;

Ecco l’annuncio ufficiale (fonte):

Qurbani 2015

Qurbani is one of the great rituals of Islam, prescribed in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ.

The act commemorates the obedience of Ibrahim ‘alayhis-salaam, the Imam of Islamic Monotheism, whom Allah ‘azza wajall inspired to offer his son, Isma’il, as a sacrifice to Him.

Allah, in His Mercy, then ransomed Isma’il with a ram which Ibrahim sacrificed. And Allah says [translation of the meanings], ‘And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (i.e. a ram).‘ [37:107]

In honour of this, Muslims sacrifice animals (also referred to as Udhiyyah) as an act of worship to Allah during the period from after the Eid prayer (10th Dhul Hijjah) until the last days of tashreeq.

This act of Qurbani is a confirmed Sunnah, and considered obligatory by many ‘ulama.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,
‘Whoever offers a sacrifice after the prayer, has completed his rituals (of Eid) and followed the way of the Muslims.’
(Sahih al Bukhari)

With Ummah Welfare Trust donors can offer their Qurbani in one of 17 countries this year.

*The ‘Most Needy’ option will cover Pakistan, Afghanistan and Kashmir.
– A small animal is equivalent to 1 share. A large animal is equivalent to 7 shares.
– Deadlines for Qurbani donations are subject to country quotas being filled.

– When donating online, please ensure that you have received an email receipt confirming that the money has been transferred. When entering details, therefore, an email should be provided.
— Cheques & Postal Orders, with details of your Qurbani choice, must be received by 15th September. Please provide personal details, unless you wish to remain anonymous.
– Ummah Welfare Trust does not take responsiblity for a failed Qurbani donation. If your donation has not gone through, please call us on [0044]1204 661 030.
– For bank transfers, please check what animals are available before any transfers are made.

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